My life in brief
I can't seem to get a proper blog post together so a summary will have to suffice for the time being. While I like to use this outlet as a way to stay transparent with my professional goings on, I've found it very easy to simply forget I have a blog. Here is a list of the things I am involved in right now:
- Last weekend I attended a Planetwork creativity session outside of San Francisco. A group of us spent a day diving into the idea of a "network of networks" and of supporting the emergence of a global digital conciousness.
- I continue to work for Interra Project, this time for the Boston Main Streets organization which is helping bring the program to Boston soon.
- For Sustainable Woods Network I am shifting my focus into developing a marketing strategy.
- Next week I head to NYC for the Second Conference for Worker Ownership and Workplace Democracy where I hope to learn everything there is to know about starting a worker owned coop.
- On a related note, I am involved in starting a worker owned coop with six people here in Seattle. Known as the Web Collective, we are a group of independent consultants who want to work together on projects that make us happy. That doesn't seem too much to ask.
Labels: interra, webcollective
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